Architectural Control Committee

Member Edwin and Roberta Johnson
Member Steven and Gail Neufeld
Member Doug and Jennifer Shook

Please contact the ACC for property improvements
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It is the intent of the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) that a high standard of exterior architectural appearance be maintained throughout the development, consistent with the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs). For that reason, procedures exist to help homeowners with respect to specific topics.

New Home:

If you plan to build a home, or to have a home built for you, procedures for review of building plans have been defined. To obtain ACC approval to proceed with construction, whether you are the prospective homeowner, or a contractor proposing to build a "spec" home, as owner of a lot you shall:

For Preliminary Approval (recommended but not mandatory)

Submit to the ACC preliminary (sketch) plans for the approval in principle of the proposed design. Approval in writing is usually given within a week. To save effort, this should be done before submitting building plans to the city. The ACC's information should prove to be quite helpful in the overall process

For Final Approval

The set of ACC Architectural Guidelines, which will be provided to you upon request, is to be submitted with the Compliance Annotation and enclosure of all drawings and plans called for therein. The annotation is to be made to the right of each item to indicate compliance. Where applicable, values should be entered or notation made indicating which of several acceptable alternatives will be used. All information requested in the boxed area at the bottom of the last page must also be provided. The submittal must be signed and dated. The ACC's approval or disapproval shall be provided in writing.

Existing Home:

Written approval is required for the following items:

  • Changing paint color or trim color of the home
  • Adding a deck or square footage to the living space
  • Adding a garage or carport
  • Removing any existing native trees

Written approval may be required for re-roofing, depending on the type of roof surface being proposed. Concrete Tile, Wood shakes, and certain composite roof materials have been approved. It is strongly recommended that you contact the ACC before proceeding with a contractor to have roof work done.

Written approval may be required for small stand-alone detached accessory buildings. To simplify matters, the ACC established the following policy:

A homeowner need not apply for ACC approval for a detached accessory building as long as that building is less than 100 square feet in size, is less than ten (10) feet in height, and meets the City of Tacoma requirements for placement and for setback from lot boundaries. Approval for any building that would exceed the above-stated size or height must be requested and received from the ACC. The request for approval must include a site plan, details of the proposed building, and written concurrence from all adjacent homeowners.